About Forme

I’m Nathan and I created Forme back in January of 2020, and I imagine like a lot of small businesses, this was a hobby that got a little bit out of hand. In late 2017 I discovered the art of screen printing and immediately fell in love with the whole process. One thing I particularly enjoy about this medium is there’s a bit of flexibility to it, there is a general guide to follow, but you can go off script and still make it work for you. I started out with a basic screen printing kit and for the next few years taught myself all about the process through reading books and watching videos, with the biggest lessons coming through trial and error. My first few designs were requests from friends and family, with one of my proudest involving a creation around Charles Petrescu, from the short film Brian & Charles, which actually resulted in me printing up a few for David Earl himself. I’ve included a few of those early designs below. After receiving positive feedback, there was some encouragement to start doing my own thing. Not knowing where to start, I began playing around with shapes as my first subject, while I quickly moved onto something a bit different, it did help with the creation of the name and logo. My nonno (grandfather) was Italian, and therefore I always knew I wanted to have some connection to Italy and landed on the name Forme, meaning shapes or forms. As you can see, my designs have progressed as time has gone on. I think the skateboarding world has had the biggest influence on me, along side the nostalgia of the 90s and the indie scene, which hopefully all combines in creating something a little bit different. While Forme was officially created in 2020, heading out to markets and events is what has truly made this a business for me. Getting the chance to actually see the enthusiasm people have for the clothing really makes all the difference, this would still very much be a hobby without that support. Thank you.

Photo by Kate Baxter @fabricofmylife

Charles Petrescu T-Shirt

Golden Boot winner t-shirt at a football tournament

League of Gentlemen t-shirts